Are you reaching out to your clients during the covid 19 lockdown?.
“Sometimes staying strong feels impossible but giving up is not an option!!!”
In this time of global pandemic which was unforeseen and unimagined by most people and creative at large, it’s taking a toll on some, while others are making the best of the situation.
I have seen creatives designing different means or route to continue creating and still been relevant to their communities such as shooting via FaceTime, creating multi person calls between creatives and clients to either educate clients or keep in touch with prospective clients on the business of photography etc. Some other creatives have used this opportunity to create competitions such as retouching competitions etc
What’s the idea behind all this?
I realised most creative are trying to make sure they stay relevant in to community and likewise still been able to reach prospective clients, by not making the current lockdown situation get a toll on their business in a negative way.
Meanwhile, some other creatives are sitting out this situations and waiting for the restrictions and social distancing be lifted before going back in business, which I think is a total wrong perception, As community is important to engaged with.
And with the social distancing law in place, it would be a different type of market after the Covid 19 lockdown, as securing new client might be tricky because people would rather prefer to work with people they are familiar with or worked with before, than someone new which they do not know thereby not putting their health at risk. And we all know understand the chain in the market, when one client works with a creative and gets a good and safe service he/she tells two and the market keeps growing that way.
So photographers, filmmakers, makeup artists, wedding event planners etc, it isn’t too late to come up with a target scheme or strategic plan to reach out to clients while still staying relevant in the creative industry.
Keep safe, and stay creative.
Tim Mcbaj.